How To Set a Goal That Really Works in 2024

business self-help Jan 16, 2024
Photo by <a href="">Markus Winkler</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>


Entrepreneur and investor Matt Griswold said, "Think in decades and act in days.”

Setting a goal is critically important as it gives direction to your life. However, without an action plan that aligns with those goals and is implemented daily, they won't lead you anywhere.

Hello, Liz here. I am sure you are in the process of writing down your New Year's resolutions and goals that you aim to achieve. Today, I am going to share with you some helpful tips on how to set transformative goals that will make your time and energy worthwhile. Feel free to use this as a checklist alongside your goals for the year.


  1. What makes me truly happy?
  2. Where do I see myself in five years?
  3. What skills do I want to learn or improve?
  4. What are my biggest strengths and how can I use them more?
  5. What habits do I need to change, develop, or get rid of?
  6. What kind of relationships do I want to build or strengthen?
  7. What does financial security mean to me?
  8. What are my health and fitness goals?
  9. Are these goals attainable within a given deadline?
  10. Do these goals provide benefits to me as well as to others?
  11. Let’s say hypothetically you won the lottery and now have enough so you don’t have to work to support yourself and your family; what kind of work would you want to continue doing? (not leisure)


The last question, number 11, is one that Ali Abdaal, the YouTuber, often uses to discover what truly motivates you. It's about finding the kind of work that brings you a sense of contentment.


Tips & Insight:

As you set your goals for 2024, remember the importance of planning daily actions to achieve them. Setting deadlines for each goal is crucial. This creates a sense of urgency, motivating you to act, even if the pressure is self-imposed.

It's wise not to set too many goals at once. Trying to accomplish too much often leads to achieving nothing. Prioritize what's important to you at the moment. Aim to focus on a maximum of three goals unless you're confident you can handle more.

Understanding yourself is key when setting goals. Reflection and introspection are essential first steps towards real change. The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is a useful tool for self-discovery. It's not meant for judging or comparing yourself with others, but as a resource to deepen your self-understanding and practice introspection.


I wish you the best for this year. Thank you for reading. I'll see you next week. Have a great weekend. šŸ˜‡

Whenever you're ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Calligraphy Copperplate 101Ā course is now open for enrollment. This course is suitable for either absolute beginners or those who have started their journey but feel the need for a comprehensive framework to learn in the most effective and enjoyable way.

  2. Calligraphy Envelope ProĀ is for those seeking to make their practice more fun and meaningful. It teaches everything about crafting beautiful envelopes with calligraphy. For me, it was the best way to continuously level up my calligraphy skills.

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